Sunday, December 30, 2012

Canon 5D Mark III

©JP Parmley
Well after much debate, I have upgraded my 5D Mark II to the Mark III.  I was looking to improve the low light shooting scenarios with the higher ISO capabilities.  The fact that a whole host of other updates such as the focusing system, dual memory cards, faster processor, and integrated HDR was just icing on the cake.

With only about 200 images taken so far, it is clear that this camera opens up a whole new world of opportunities that others have no chance of obtaining.  I am not going to write up a review of the Mark III as there are hundreds of them out there.  But I will say this, my initial impression is very high.  Pics taken at 10,000 and 12,800 ISO are great....try that on a Mark II and they are not so usable. 

Needles to say, the creative ideas are flowing on how to leverage this new expanded ISO range.  I am looking forward to seeing what comes from it.   Have any ideas?.....shoot me over a message.  Stay tuned for some sample images.......


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