Friday, April 27, 2012

Splash Down

Splash Down
©JP Parmley

Here is a fun picture I did with the kids this evening.  This is real simple to set up and the results are endless.  Using a 10 gallon fish tank filled up about 3/4 of the way, drop two peppers into the tank from about 12 inches above the water.  The lighting on this shot requires two flashes.  One from the bottom and one from the top.  You can connect them via cables or wireless transmitters. You will need to set one of the peppers in the water and use manual focus.  Once you have set the focus, you don't have to worry about the camera trying to search for it during the shot.

I used a black board for the background and started dropping and shooting.  The kids played around with different heights and I experimented with trying to catch them early and late in the splash. 

What else could we drop into the fish tank????  Send me your ideas.



Canon 5DMII, 50MM 1.4: 1/160th, f18, ISO 400


  1. Hello JP, my name is Bryan. I'd like to thank you very much for viewing and commenting on my photo at the Picture Social site. I've viewed your site and really like the HDR auto shots great stuff.The water splash is a favorite of mine and I like what you've done here , you used the same technical things I did and it was so much fun.
    Let's keep in touch and explore more wonderful things we can do with our photography.

  2. Thanks Bryan.

    If there are any special photo project you are working on, I would be happy to help or replicate on my end.

    My goal is to have fun, learn, then teach.

