Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rainbow of Colors

©JP Parmley

Here are a few quick and easy pictures you can capture with minimal setup.  The variety of different effects and colors is unlimited.  To set this up you will need a blank and unused CD or DVD, a tripod that will allow you to shoot straight down, a remote shutter cord and your camera.

I used the light painting techniques discussed in earlier posts, the only difference is this setup provides the CD to act as a prism and water to reflect all the colorful light.   Use a dropper to place each water drop.  You can mix up the sizes and density of the drops to get different affects.  I used either a small Mag-lite or LED flashlight and moved them around during the exposure. Try illuminating the CD and droplets from different angles and distances.  You will get something different every time.

In each of these pictures I used a shutter of 15 seconds, f6.3 and an ISO of 100.   


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