Saturday, December 6, 2014

ETTL Flash Control and Blinking

©JP Parmley

I have not run into the situation where a subject blinks on EVERY shot.  We all have our techniques to eliminate this for the occasional blinker, but in a recent family shoot one of the kids blinked on EVERY shot.  After running through all the workarounds I remembered an article about this.

I was shooting with three Canon 600EX-RT flashes, two of which were in ETTL mode.  Could the pre-flash of the ETTL be causing him to blink?  Well, after moving them to a manual mode and metering for the right output, the blinking went away.

Sure enough the pre-flash was causing the blink.  Normally I can get around this, but this one had me stumped until I remembered the article I read a few years ago.


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