Sunday, September 22, 2013

©JP Parmley

On a casual walk through a Columbus, OH park we ran across a small water hole that was swarming with mosquitoes.  As we were running past to avoid being bit, we noticed a small frog sitting on a branch that had fallen into the water.   It was quite dark and heavily shaded which created a a small challenge.  My first attempt at this picture was at 800ISO, but it required a shutter speed well slower than anything you would want to shoot hand held, even with a 70-200mm 2.8L IS lens.  

A flash would have ruined this picture, so the only solution was to leverage the high ISO range of the 5DMIII.  In a manual mode, I set the aperture to 2.8, the shutter to 1/80th and the ISO to Auto.  With spot metering, to insure the frog was properly exposed, the ISO leveled off at 2500.

Using the rule of thirds, I composed the frog in the lower right intersection and took a shooting angle that would show the branch slightly rising out of the water. Ideally I would have liked to shoot this from a tripod to allow for a slower shutter and lower ISO, but we were just taking a casual walk this outing and did not have it with us.

Notice all those mosquitoes hanging around, I think I got bit 20 times obtaining this picture.  



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